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Contact us for more information about the Bibione Card.
If you also own a business in Bibione or in the surrounding area and would like to join the project, write us an email.
We will be happy to arrange an appointment to give you all the information about the project.

Contact form

We inform you that the data you provide will be processed electronically in accordance with the principles and timeframes established by current legislation on data protection (EU Regulation No. 679 of 2016) for the sole purpose of providing the information requested, and possibly to define/confirm the booking of our services. The full information on the methods and purposes of the processing carried out can be accessed via the following link.

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter/periodical information on our rates and special offers in the future at your e-mail, you will have to give us your consent. You may, however, later revoke this consent at any time, as indicated in the information notice.

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